Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Long Time I didn't Update my blog!

Time Fly.........There were lot of things happened during these periods which i didn't update my blog...

最大的的一个变化就是,我将要升级做妈妈了!在九月的学校假期时间,我发现了我怀了小兔兔。当时才怀孕六周了。其实在我怀孕第五周时(发现我的月经迟了一个星期多了)我已经用验孕棒来验孕了。当时可能才刚受孕不久而体内的HCG Hormon还不够强所以验孕棒上才出现一条线。再过了一个星期,我的月经仍然还未来!所以我又再验一次孕。果然,如我所测,我怀孕了!(验孕棒出现两条线!!)万分欣喜的我第一时间便把这个喜讯告诉了在厕所大便的龟龟!还记得那天时2010年9月6日-星期一。那天龟龟刚巧觉得不舒服所以请了病假而且正准备去看医生。最后,我们两人一起到诊所,他看病,我验孕。现在回想起来当时的情景及感觉,真的好想有点飘飘然的感觉。
The biggest changes is, I will be a mama soon! During the school holiday at September last year, I found out I am pregnant! It was just the 6 week pregnancy that time. Actually, I already tested using pregnancy test kit during my 5th week pregnancy when I found out my period delay for a week. However, maybe i just pregnant and the HCG Hormon in my body still not that strong yet, the pregnancy kit show only one line. Anyway, I tested again for the next week when the period still delay and this time, the result showed was positive (2 lines). I still remembered I was extremely happy and the date I found out I am pregnant was 06/09/2010 - Monday. Gui Gui should be at work that time but as he was not feeling that well, he applied for the sick leave. Then as soon as I found out I am pregnant, I tell gui gui immediately. So, in the end, both of us went to clinic together. He looked for the doctor to cure his sickness and I looked for the doctor to confirm that I am pregnant.

接下来的生活都是围绕着肚子里的小兔兔。2010年11月9号大清早,当时觉得肚子痛(想要拉肚子,其实那天老幺和老大全部都有肚子痛及拉肚子的问题,估计吃错东西)边急忙往厕所跑。解放后惊见马桶,卫生纸上粘血!当时六神无主的我赶紧叫我的同事载我到附近的诊所挂急诊。结果,当时Medical Assistant看了看便叫我八点多再过去旁边的Ibu Dan Anak Clinic看看。回来后八点多上下我又过去看看。护士当时就联络木中的医院然后请职员帮忙载我到木中的医院去一趟。结果就直接被留院观察。医生当时直接给我两个星期的病假。
The biggest changes is, I will be a mama soon! During the school holiday at September last year, I found out I am pregnant! It was just the 6 week pregnancy that time. Actually, I already tested using pregnancy test kit during my 5th week pregnancy when I found out my period delay for a week. However, maybe i just pregnant and the HCG Hormon in my body still not that strong yet, the pregnancy kit show only one line. Anyway, I tested again for the next week when the period still delay and this time, the result showed was positive (2 lines). I still remembered I was extremely happy and the date I found out I am pregnant was 06/09/2010 - Monday. Gui Gui should be at work that time but as he was not feeling that well, he applied for the sick leave. Then as soon as I found out I am pregnant, I tell gui gui immediately. So, in the end, both of us went to clinic together. He looked for the doctor to cure his sickness and I looked for the doctor to confirm that I am pregnant.

After the PV bleeding case, i directly cancelled my trip to go to Taiwan. However, my specialist told me that it is ok for me to go to travel, won't effect too much. That's why I started to think about to continue our trip. Gui Gui also wanted to go to Taiwan so much....Therefore we finally changed our mind again and decided to go to Taiwan. Thanks Juliet and Yuan for their effort in all the arrangement..... Gui Gui took a lots of photos and I finally had time to arrange and design two albums for these photos.... Below is the link to view our Taiwan's photo albums..


时间如梭,转眼2011年到来了。一切都回去了正常的运作而我也继续回去学校教书。可能开学期间很忙,没有真正好好的休息,结果我又一次出血了。这次是发生在2011年1月10日(星期一晚上)。当时我正准备上床睡觉。哪知,上了厕所一趟发现我的内裤又粘血,整个人一片空白,心非常急。最后老三和我便拍了校长的门麻烦她载我们去挂急症。到了clinic后我们开车到后边的宿舍拍门。由于四处一片黑溜溜一片,校长没有注意到后边的水沟结果尽然倒退车时其中一粒车轮卡在水沟里头。我急忙忙下车边直接去到诊所等待Medical Assistant的到来。当晚当值的MA是个新人,第一次晚上on call就碰到这般棘手的案件。毫无经验的他当我问起他宝宝怎么了的时候竟然回答我有可能流产,吓得我立刻飙泪!急诊室里连宝宝心跳器都没有,想听听宝宝是否安然都不行。幸亏小兔兔乖,知道妈咪心理的着急边动了几下告诉我他没事。最后,clinic准备了救护车载我到木中的医院,然后当晚也被留在医院观察一天。隔天,医生告诉我可能需要留院几天,我就直接提出要求说如果需要留院那么多天我想转到古晋医院而他们就批准了。最后,院方又准备了救护车载我去到古晋的医院(生平第一次做救护车,而且一坐就坐两次。)。到了古晋医院护士们不让我走路,直接叫我躺在病床上推到labour hall去。我当时的心情啊(知道小兔兔没事后就很看得开了)就觉得很害羞,因为医院很多人都盯着我看==。到了产房医生就做检查,最后说没有什么大碍后就转我到普通病房。在医院呆了两天后边出院了。医生说,又是因为我的胎盘底所以才会使到流血事件又再次发生。之后我就一直拿病假知道新年后才回去学校。
Very soon, year 2011 is coming. Everything back to normal and i went back to school to teach. I might be didn't really rest enough during this period and the pv bleeding happened again. It was the night of 10/01/2011, I was ready to go to bed. I found out in the toilet again that there was blood on my underwear. Immediately, Melody and I knocked our headmistress's door and asked for the help to send us to the clinic. The MA on duty that night is a new MA. This was his first on call and first case. He was very nervous as well and inexperience. When I asked him what happened to my little rabbit he answered :"Might be miscarriage". I was nearly fainted that time and my tear came out without control immediately. After they contacted Betong Hospital, they prepared an ambulance and brought me to Betong Hospital. I was at Betong Hospital for a day and the doctor said I might need to stay in hospital for a few days. I directly request the doctor to transfer me to Kuching hospital if I need to stay in the Hospital for so many days. So, at last, I was sent to Kuching Hospital by using the ambulance again....When i arrived the Hospital the nurse directly push my bed (i was forbidden to walk that time) to labour hall directly. The final diagnostic is, my plasenta still low and they cannot give me an exact answer that why I am bleeding. So, I stayed at Kuching hospital for two days. Sick leave had been give and I only need to go back to school after Chinese New Year.

After the PV Bleeding issue, there was an accident happened on 20/03/2011 when we were on the way go back to Debak to teach. Luckily little rabbit is ok!. Then very soon, my due date is near and I am coming back to wait to deliver. My due date suppose is on 03/05/2011 but my little rabbit still in my womb. Womb sweet womb...Doctor ask me to induce at 13/05/2011 if baby still don't want to deliver yet....... My little rabbit.....please come out T_T, don't wait until 13!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

It's Holiday Again!

All these while i had been kinda busy so didn't have much time to update my blog. Finally today I have time to do so!

Let's me tell all of you what was happening around me these days.....

最近,有趣的事情并不多,都是公事上挺忙的几个月,可是算是挺沉闷的一阵子。然而,终于从上个星期开始感觉到假期的气氛了。上周一,我跟随老幺及老大回答老幺的家-泗里街一趟因为隔天就是国庆日假期。不甘寂寞的我们哪会想要留在宁木生菇,当然二话不说溜到泗里街去玩。之前一次就听到珉葳说,泗里街Open Air的南乳饭非常好吃而我也一直对它念念不完。这次当然不会错过他咯!果然,这儿的南乳饭多汁,够软又够味!
Lately, there weren't a lot of interesting stuff happened around me...It was actually quite a dull months for the past few months. However, the situation changed last week. We started to feel the excitement in our life due to the holidays are near! Last Monday, I went to Sarikei (Leh Teen's hometown) with Vinndy. Finally, i had a chance to try the marinated pork at Sarikei. Ming Wee had been introduced this dish for me for quite a while already but I have no chance to try it. As Ming Wee said, the dish is really tasty and I like it a lot!

The next day after shop at the market and everrise, Alice and Vinndy dropped me at the saloon for straightening my hair. The last time i straighten my hair was two years ago (2 weeks before of my wedding). After that i kept on cutting short my hair. That's why finally I am able to straighten my hair now. So, after wait for more than four hours, my messy hair finally steadily stay on my head. However, there is a minor failure on this new hair style. I overcut my front hair! Everyone laugh me look like a Suku Kia now T___T. However, i like to think at the bright side! At least now my hair is as smooth as the silk! hehehe!

The Last but not the least, which make me feel very happy is, the school holiday which last for 10 days finally start!! Hooray!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Another Month Gone~

This is the photo which Dorothy posted up on Facebook few days ago. This is also the prettiest photos that i had after years that I didn't took any photo with her. So, it is a must for me to post the photo here.

The past Wednesday, our Melody transformed herself from a teacher to a beautician. She help us to wash and clean our face. Our face condition all become transparent after she use the beautician magnifier to look at our face. Conclusion, I had an oily oily face and the magnifier show that there are a lot of mini mini tiny tiny pimples on my face which normally they actually cannot see it with nude eye! So, sadly, i m the one who have the most pimples in the house! T_T

Yesterday on the way back to Kuchiing - a hill before we arrive Lachau, we saw an accident. A container which originally on truck was losen and drop on the road. Luckily, there was no car accident involve in this accident. However, this accident did cause a small small traffic jam!....a 5 minutes traffice jam!

Friday, June 11, 2010

Sze's Wedding

June 9th is my best friend's wedding day~

回去民都鲁前,我赶 了一份礼物给阿思..
Before I went back to Bintulu, I managed to make a wedding gift for Ah Sze....

老 公设计的卡片,还有,谢谢欣颖在藏头诗上帮了我一个大忙.....然后就是,盒子上的戒子,到民都鲁后我才知道那是白金戒子!!T_T
Gui Gui designed the card for sze.....Thanks Juliet in helping me to create the rhymn.. About the ring's color on the box, I just knew that they are actually white gold instead of rose gold when I reached Bintulu!! T_T

特 地坐飞机回去民都鲁参加阿思与SY的喜宴。我觉得很开心。美中不足的是相处的时间太短因为大家都太忙了。我们只在第一天晚上有机会聊到三更半夜,之后就没 有什么机会聊到太久了...分离的那一刻,我真的很舍不得,真希望世界上有样东西叫做如意门呢!
JI am very very happy that I managed to fly back to Bintulu to attend their wedding. The only thing that I am upset about was...times really fly!

婚礼当天,大家都很忙。没有很 多机会与新娘子拍照,所以拍到的相片并不是很多...至今仍觉得有点儿遗憾T_T。不过,我还是觉得很开心因为我至少还有拍到一,两,三张照片!
On the wedding day, everybody was so busy. Therefore, I din manage to take a lot of picture with Ah Sze.

这 是我和阿思在婚礼上的一百零一张相片。
This is the only picture I took with Ah Sze on her wedding.

这 张相片是在他们出外景是所拍的....拍摄的制作过程....
The making of outdoor photoshooting.....

婚礼之后的一天,我们与思两夫妻外出了一整 天。
After the wedding, we went out with Mr n Mrs Wong for the whole day.......

Chai and her two little angels- Jasmine and Jarden.This "Xiao Ping Ping" teach Jasmine that 3+3 is equal to 8?!? What the?!?!

Simon and the bad guy - Xiao Ping Ping..

After ate the ice, we went to beach to drink Coconut Water, BBQ chicken wing and BBQ satay. The chicken wing taste very good! Tauke using special way to prepare the chicken wing! IT taste very very differently! Unfortunately the rain is really close so we didn't manage to order more!

本来我们应该乘坐20:05的飞机飞回去古晋。然而,由于斗湖的天气很不好所以导致航班延迟将近三小时。飞机正式起飞的时间为23:00!然而,多亏了航班延迟,我们才有机会到Restaurant Seribu Bintang, Kampung Jepak去吃晚餐。
Due to the flight delay from 20:05 to 23:00 as the weather at Tawau really very bad. However, thanks for the delay so that we have chance to go to Restaurant Seribu Bintang, Kampung Jepak for a nice and romantic dinner.

情调很好的Restaurant Seribu Bintang...吃饭的地点是一座一座小亭子。
The pondok in the picture is the place we sat down for our dinner....It is actually a romantic place for dinner...

The food taste kinda nice!

Our newly married couple.....

Actually there are still few more pictures which is not in my camera. I will upload the photos once i have the pictures...

Damai 2D1N Trip

达雅节那天,我们大伙一块到Damai Beach去玩。
We all went to Damai Beach on 1st June 2010 - Hari Gawai

大伙在出发前现在Jalan Song的一间咖啡店吃早点。
We all eat breakfast at a coffee shop at Jalan Song before started our journey to Damai...

The picture was taken when we were on the way went to Buntal for our lunch. Our four "gentlemen" here had to sit behind of the hilux~~

This is the picture of the restaurant we stopped at Buntal. I like the feeling of this photo....

Things happened when we wait for our food to be served.

Gui and Me....

My Dear Shirley...

There was toooo many people at Damai Beach..Spent around 1 hour then finally we manage to enter our room..

Cute little Xiao Yue Yue want to join in as well!

Wa~~~ There was a weird uncle come here.....

This is not a nice photo...............

Why everybody seems like drunk eventhough there was no wine/liquor/beer served on that night?

A nice shot before all of us went to sleep....

非法聚赌?!?!错了,这是最近大伙们喜欢上的一个洋人游戏-Bang Bang
Please be reminded that we are not gamble illegally! This is the western card game which attracted us soo much lately! Bang! Bang! is the card game's name...

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Night Life at Debak

Do you agree with the statement of a small town like Debak don't have any night life?

I am actually not really agree with the statement above. My own opinion is, everything is under your own control~

Our blog's reporter successful find out some weird night activities which carried on at a hostel. Let's us follow our reporter and see what's actually going on in this small little town.........

As per investigation of our reporter, we found out there are facial and masssage "business" going on in this hostel. The service was provided by a gal who known as "Lao San".

本部落克记者还发现另一个怪异的现象。那就是每晚到调号老二和老三房间一游的CKU。它可是老二和老三的上等贵宾呢!你知道吗,它可是非常的大牌哦!这张相片可真的是得来不易呢!本部落克记者几番尝试要给它拍张美美的沙龙照可是都失败了。其中原因非常的简单,那就是这CKU大人非常怕羞。会拍到这张相片其实是靠威胁这一招才成功的。怎么说呢?很简单,本部落克记者当时威胁了CKU大人说,若是它又害羞逃跑,全世界将一辈子叫它CKU。=.=|| 然后呢,它就乖乖的呆在那让本部落克记者给他拍照去了。。神吧!
According to our reporter, there is a special guest who pay the visit every night to two owners who known as Lao Er and Lao San. This special guest was known as CKU. Our reporter spent so much energy and time to get a pic on it! The reason is this shy little CKU hide away everytime when our reporter carry the camera and try to snap a picture of it! However, at last our reporter manage to get this picture after she treaten this poor little CKU. She told it that if next time CKU still act so, the whole world will forever call it as CKU. Surprisely, this time this little CKU didn't move away quickly but it just sat on the window and let our reporter to take it's picture...

是不是很好奇为什么我们叫它为CKU吗?听过OKU吗?a.k.a Orang Kurang Upaya.
那么,可想而知为什么我们的称它为CKU了吧-Cicak Kurang upaya
Do you all feel curios why our reporter called it as CKU? Do you ever heard a term - OKU a.k.a Orang Kurang Upaya? Then, it is very obvious already why our reporter am calling it CKU as CKU stand for Cicak Kurang Upaya..hehehehe

The picture above shown that a "bunch" of insane women having "Senam Aerobik" at 9pm at their hostel. Our blog's reporter successfully took the photos of the few suspects who dance that time.

Who is this crazy women? What she was doing?

Above are the news which brought by our Reporter - moon moon about the night life of Debak.

The pictures above are regarding things happend during celebration of Teacher Day as Chung Hua Debak. Our reporter manage to interview two of the teachers and took a few pictures of them.

The last article is about the Food. Our reporter managed to take a few photos of a meal at a house at Kuching on 22nd May. Any question can just directly leave a message here. The blog author will try her best to reply you in the shortest period.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Busy April....

This April was a busy April for me...
First of all, I was only able to go home twice a month only at pass April due to class replacement on two Saturday. After that, I celebrated my 27 birthday. Right after my birthday celebration was the Diploma in Education Convo which held at 20 April. After that, just two days after my convo, the Betong division Malay Speech and teory competition was held at my school......
At last, due to unable to go back to Kuching, Vindy and me follow Leh Teen went to Sarikei for a short trip.

This is the picture of the only 5 person who represent KPLI PC1 Jan 2009 intake at convo.

The two photos above was taken during the Malay Speech and Theory Competition. Lots of school praised our uniforms look very nice.

Our Cute and Pretty cute little usher.

Pictures below are regarding with the trip at Sarikei.
Melody should be following us to Sarikei according to our original plan. However, due to suddenly her skin had some problem thereby sadly, she was not able to follow us to Sarikei.

Leh Teen brought us to Seberang to eat pizza. Sadly, the taste of the pizza was not as delicious as before anymore.

We having our lunch at Sugarbun at the next day. Vindy, Melody and Leh Teen gave me a big surprise at there. A belated birthday party. Unfortunately Melody not able to join us....... However, I was really surprise that time!

I will upload other pictures which taken on my birthday and Graduation after Gui Gui edit the photos~ so...stay tune~ XD