Friday, June 11, 2010

Sze's Wedding

June 9th is my best friend's wedding day~

回去民都鲁前,我赶 了一份礼物给阿思..
Before I went back to Bintulu, I managed to make a wedding gift for Ah Sze....

老 公设计的卡片,还有,谢谢欣颖在藏头诗上帮了我一个大忙.....然后就是,盒子上的戒子,到民都鲁后我才知道那是白金戒子!!T_T
Gui Gui designed the card for sze.....Thanks Juliet in helping me to create the rhymn.. About the ring's color on the box, I just knew that they are actually white gold instead of rose gold when I reached Bintulu!! T_T

特 地坐飞机回去民都鲁参加阿思与SY的喜宴。我觉得很开心。美中不足的是相处的时间太短因为大家都太忙了。我们只在第一天晚上有机会聊到三更半夜,之后就没 有什么机会聊到太久了...分离的那一刻,我真的很舍不得,真希望世界上有样东西叫做如意门呢!
JI am very very happy that I managed to fly back to Bintulu to attend their wedding. The only thing that I am upset about was...times really fly!

婚礼当天,大家都很忙。没有很 多机会与新娘子拍照,所以拍到的相片并不是很多...至今仍觉得有点儿遗憾T_T。不过,我还是觉得很开心因为我至少还有拍到一,两,三张照片!
On the wedding day, everybody was so busy. Therefore, I din manage to take a lot of picture with Ah Sze.

这 是我和阿思在婚礼上的一百零一张相片。
This is the only picture I took with Ah Sze on her wedding.

这 张相片是在他们出外景是所拍的....拍摄的制作过程....
The making of outdoor photoshooting.....

婚礼之后的一天,我们与思两夫妻外出了一整 天。
After the wedding, we went out with Mr n Mrs Wong for the whole day.......

Chai and her two little angels- Jasmine and Jarden.This "Xiao Ping Ping" teach Jasmine that 3+3 is equal to 8?!? What the?!?!

Simon and the bad guy - Xiao Ping Ping..

After ate the ice, we went to beach to drink Coconut Water, BBQ chicken wing and BBQ satay. The chicken wing taste very good! Tauke using special way to prepare the chicken wing! IT taste very very differently! Unfortunately the rain is really close so we didn't manage to order more!

本来我们应该乘坐20:05的飞机飞回去古晋。然而,由于斗湖的天气很不好所以导致航班延迟将近三小时。飞机正式起飞的时间为23:00!然而,多亏了航班延迟,我们才有机会到Restaurant Seribu Bintang, Kampung Jepak去吃晚餐。
Due to the flight delay from 20:05 to 23:00 as the weather at Tawau really very bad. However, thanks for the delay so that we have chance to go to Restaurant Seribu Bintang, Kampung Jepak for a nice and romantic dinner.

情调很好的Restaurant Seribu Bintang...吃饭的地点是一座一座小亭子。
The pondok in the picture is the place we sat down for our dinner....It is actually a romantic place for dinner...

The food taste kinda nice!

Our newly married couple.....

Actually there are still few more pictures which is not in my camera. I will upload the photos once i have the pictures...

Damai 2D1N Trip

达雅节那天,我们大伙一块到Damai Beach去玩。
We all went to Damai Beach on 1st June 2010 - Hari Gawai

大伙在出发前现在Jalan Song的一间咖啡店吃早点。
We all eat breakfast at a coffee shop at Jalan Song before started our journey to Damai...

The picture was taken when we were on the way went to Buntal for our lunch. Our four "gentlemen" here had to sit behind of the hilux~~

This is the picture of the restaurant we stopped at Buntal. I like the feeling of this photo....

Things happened when we wait for our food to be served.

Gui and Me....

My Dear Shirley...

There was toooo many people at Damai Beach..Spent around 1 hour then finally we manage to enter our room..

Cute little Xiao Yue Yue want to join in as well!

Wa~~~ There was a weird uncle come here.....

This is not a nice photo...............

Why everybody seems like drunk eventhough there was no wine/liquor/beer served on that night?

A nice shot before all of us went to sleep....

非法聚赌?!?!错了,这是最近大伙们喜欢上的一个洋人游戏-Bang Bang
Please be reminded that we are not gamble illegally! This is the western card game which attracted us soo much lately! Bang! Bang! is the card game's name...