Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Happy Birthday to my Gui Gui

(Here is a small story happened on me...)

地点 :云南园 时间:早餐时间大约九点多
(Location : Yun Nam Cafe Time : Breakfast around 9am++)

我 :这里的Popia换人做之后不知道好不好吃,试试看一下.呃..不错吃哟,有个特别 的味道,不晓得什么味道
(Me : After change tauke for the popia stall, donno how the popia taste like..Lemme try..hmm....Not bad, popia here taste kinda special, don't know what recipe make it taste special)

龟龟 :我知道!花生的味道!要不然,菜的味道!
(Gui Gui : I know! Taste of the peanuts! or the vegetables)

我 :......我也知道嘛!
(Me : ......I know already la......)

表弟 :是POPIA的味道!!!
(Cousin : Taste like a POPIA!!!)

我,龟龟 :....................
(Gui & Me : ..........................)

Friday, July 25, 2008

24.07.08 婚纱摄影
24.07.08 Pre-Wedding PhotoShoot

Finally, it's the day to take my pre-wedding photo. Before that, i keep on worried about the weather and also our health condition. On the actual day, Gui Gui told me that it was raining around 5am++. When the alarm rang me up at 6am, the rain stopped already. However, i cannot sleep after i wake up.. Too nervous and..excited!

就叫我去换我出外景的婚纱。和我本来预定那间不同 (本来是我的鱼装 - 其实称为蛋糕装)。小姐告诉我,摄影师-Patrick在我来之前看过我的婚纱,觉得现在这件比较合适出外景。可以说是我有史以来穿过最性感的一套衣服哦。换好了后,我就下楼化妆去。Angel费了一番功夫化我的眼睛,因为我有大小眼。结果,化好我的眼睛后,望着镜子里那张脸,我死命的眨眼,怀疑是不是像我的梦里一样,我的倒影跑掉了,换来了一个不知道是谁的倒影跑出来。Angel以为她把我的眼睛弄得很不舒服,害得我一直眨眼。。。。。
9:50am, we reached our studio 10 minutes earlier than our appointment. My make up artist - Angel brought me to change my outdoor wedding gown right after i reached the studio. The outdoor wedding gown different with the initial wedding gown which we planned to wear during my outdoor (My fish gown which actually know as layer cake gown). Angel told me that my photographer - Patrick had looked at my gowns before I reached. He think that the wedding gown which I will wear during outdoor shoot is better than the Fish Gown for Outdoor photo shoot. H
onestly, this is the sexiest cloth I ever wear before =P. After changing my gown, I went downstairs for make up. Angel spent a lot of time on my eyes as I have uneven size eye (known it as "big small eye"). After my eyes done, I stared at the mirror and my eyes keep on blinking. I can't believe that was me! I am wondering if the reflection in the mirror ran away without my notice and different reflection sat in front of me just like my dream! The eyes blinked too much until Angel thought she make my eyes feel uncomfortable.

My make up was done at 11:10am and ready for our Outdoor shoot. Thanks God, the weather was very good. The weather was not too hot, but is a nice sunny day. I don't want to tell all of you that where i took the picture first ^^..Let's all of you to guess for it..although I think some of you may recognize the place ^^. Actually, outdoor photo shoot is really interesting although i felt tired very fast. Now, i really miss the outdoor photo shoot...If time can be reversed........

3 hours later around 2pm, our outdoor shooting was done and we was ready to return to our studio. Due to it was raining at the early morning, the floor was wet. My gown turned kinda dirty after the photo shoot. After changed another gown and had our lunch, Angel started to change my second look. It was more relax to take picture in Studio but not as interesting as outdoor photo shoot. I still prefer outdoor honestly.

(我在想他们是不是怕约在十点的话,我们又在店还没有开时就到。顺带一提,Wedding Touch是十点开店)。回到家,我费了好大的一番力气才把我脸上那层顽固的妆卸掉。还有还有,我的发型。。。不知道我用了多少conditioner才把头发还原。
Around 6pm, finally the photo session was done! It's time to go back! We made an appointment with Patrick to pick our wedding photo at coming Saturday 10.30am(I am wondering if they are afraid of me reach earlier if they have the appointment with me at 10am. For your information, Wedding Touch only start their business at 10am). I spent a lots of time to clean the thick layer of the make up on my face at home. Besides, I am wondering how much conditioner had I used to make my hair back to normal.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Very excited!!

Time Flies. Now already entering the 7th months from the moment we decided to get married. All the while, I am very anxious of, how will I look like when I wear my wedding gown and apply the super duper thick make up which going to cause the flies die while they crash on my face. Will I look sexy? Cute? or as pretty as the angel? (hahaha.. face so thick! praising myself here! I think the main reason flies die due to crash on my thick face!)
However, imagination is imagination. What the actual result will turn out, nobody knows. I am really wondering.. As long as not transforms me into an Ugly duckling, any style is ok for me ^^.

Nonono....Am not going to get married tomorrow. Only prepare to have my Pre-Wedding Photography tomorrow. Hehe..So, tonight when reach home, am going to buffer and scrub my face. If can, scrub my face until all those holes and pimples gone....that's will be the best ^^. After scrubbing & buffering, I will apply hydrating mask on my face so that my face will turns brighter and smoother tomorrow. Everyone reminds me not to drink water after 8pm tonight or else I will have eye bag tomorrow morning. Ok, i will follow all the "rules" and becomes a prettiest bride-to-be at studio tomorrow ^^. However, everything are ready except, the weather tomorrow. Hopefully the weather will be nice tomorrow! Then everything will be perfect!

Ghost Experience...

I went to a small old town with some of my friends. It's really a old town with some history behind it. Old shop houses, small path, and only few peoples walk on the street. After paid a short visit to the small town, we decided to go back to our Motel. When we almost reached our motel, suddenly a drop of shit (yeah...is a drop of shit.....)
dropped on my head. How lucky I was!

With the anger mood, friends and I rushed back to the motel. We directly go back to our own room after reach the motel. Below is the map of our rooms. I explain a little bit about this map. The room in the middle, actually it is not a room. It is just a corridor in between of my room & the classmate couple's room. The motel just put two single beds at the corridor there and rent it out.
Sis & I had a weird feeling on the room at the moment we step into our room (I have no idea why suddenly my sis Pop out)
. The room is clean and big but both of us had the scary feeling on it. That's why in the end we offered my classmate (The one sleep at the corridor) to sleep in our room as we had an extra single bed in our room. My classmate do not want to take our offer at first even though we scared him by telling him that he will hear the footstep in the middle of night without seeing anyone dropped by. However, my classmate took my offer in the end. When he entered our room, he quickly grabbed the Queen size bed and kicked my sister away from the Queen size bed. He told us the reason for not using the single bed as well. He said he don't dare to sleep on the single bed as the single bed was facing to the big window (Outside window are the forest & the old shop houses). So, sis and I had no choice. We moved the single bed to the left side of the queen bed and we also put down the curtain.

After we settled our bed, sis & I quickly went to toilet and plan to sleep after we took our bath and brush our teeth. Well, we were actually SHOCKED when we saw the bathroom. My Gosh!! What kind of bathroom is it?!? IF i said, this is a 5 star public bathroom, I guess everybody will agree with me. Let you see the plan of the bathroom, then you will believe what I am talking about.

What's a weird Bathroom. I guess it should be the public toilet before the renovation. Anyway, I didn't want to care so much about the toilet. What I wanted to do is quickly finished my bath and go to sleep. But...but..suddenly I found out my reflection in the mirror walked away by itself! It ran towards to the toilets. I keep on screaming & yelling on my reflection to come back. I even grabbed the ice cube and throw towards to my reflection, but my reflection just don't want to come back! Both of us felt very scared! Without thinking, sis & I rushed out from the bathroom naked and ran to the couple's room.

When we reached the couple's room, suddenly the story of this motel been attacked by the evil spirit strike in my mind. I can hear the screaming of the people and the scene of "bomoh" chasing away the evil spirit clearly showed in my mind!

I was awaken suddenly from my dream yesterday night. It was so scary for me..especially the reflection and the scene of the evil spirit attacking people....Till now, the memory on this dream still very fresh. I totally remembered the whole story of this dream even already more than 24 hrs!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Ring

别怕别怕, 现在就告诉大家预防贞子的妙计~还真的有科学根据的噢!~

01. 等贞子爬到一半时,呵呵^^赶快把电视的插头拔掉~这样她就会卡在中间。
02. 在电视机上贴上胶纸,但千万不能贴满噢!好戏在后头~贞子的头发~哈!哈!哈!
03. 把电视机面向墙壁,隔天贞子的头就会长包包噢~
04. 把电视机放在高处~让她摔死!(最毒妇人心~)
05. 在电视机前放一面镜子,让贞子被自己吓昏~
06. 买一台12寸的电视,贞子挤出来时已变小了,然后乘机用拖鞋把她打扁~
07. 在电视机的对面放另台电视,这样笨笨的贞子又会糊涂地爬回去~
08. 等她爬出来时,给她那卷录音带,七天之后,她会受到自己的念力而死。
09. 就在贞子快要出来时,倒带、快转,又倒带、快转......贞子会一直跑来跑去。
10. 把自己的头发遮住自己的脸,和她斗恐怖,吓跑她~
11. 放另一台电视机在前面,播放“株罗纪公园”,看是恐龙厉害还是贞子.


I think most of you watch the movie The Ring, the remake of the 1998 Japanese horror film, Ring (also know as Ringu). Afraid or not after watching this film? Don't scare...Hereby I teach you all how to prevent Samara (known as Zhen Zi in Japanese film)~Scientific prove ya!!

01. When Samara crawl half way out, hehe, quickly remove the plug. Then, she will stuck at the middle there..
02. Stick the cello tape on your television set. However, don't cover the whole screen. .then, you will see what happened to Samara's hair.......
03. Face your TV set to the wall. Samara will have bruise on her head!
04. Place your TV set away from the floor, let Samara drops down and die!!! hehehe
05. Put a mirror in front of your TV set, let Samara scare herself until fainted.
06. Purchase a 12" TV, Samara will transform become small Samara and squeeze out from TV. Then, quickly use your slipper to hit her~
07. Place another TV set just right in front of the TV set. Then, stupid Samara will climb back into another TV set.....
08. When she climb out, let her see that video tape herself. 7 days laters, she will die because of her own curse.....
09. When Samara almost climb out, forward, then rewind, and forward and then rewind again the tape........Samara will keep herself busy running here and there...
10. Cover your own face with your long hair, challenge with her who is more horror...Scare her away...
11. Place another TV set in front of the original TV set, play the Jurassic Park, then see who's your daddy

* Thanks Ming Wee for your article ^^

Friday, July 11, 2008



月台上,一辆轻快铁就快要开了。我们在自动售票机钱放入5元钞票 (2.2元就够了).结果,售票机吐回我们100元大钞。莫名其妙。。可是,不拿白不拿,所以,赚到了!结果,我们还是没有坐上那班
就这样,突然间迷迷糊糊间,有人问我话,我的回答是:"我是狮子王!!wow.wow ..wow (大孔声)

Thursday, July 10, 2008





The renovation at gui gui's house finally started. To be more specific, the renovation is focus on the ceiling only. Previously, the next door had their renovation on the roof. The workers did not have their work done perfectly and it was affected the ceilings of our house.

Initially, we estimated everything will done within one or two days. Yeah....correct..one or two days. However, instead of everything has been done, the one or two days is referring to move & clear the stuffs from our room to another room. My Gosh...there is lotz of stuff in gui gui's room..so tiring....

Actually, not only both of us exhausted, so did gui gui's parents also. They might be even more tired than us as they spend whole day monitored the workers and do the cleaning. So, everybody is tired. Now, we only hope that the renovation will end soon. All of us need to have a good rest.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


