Thursday, December 24, 2009

Hohoho, Wish you Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Wishing all of you merry christmas~ hereby post a photo of the christmas tree at my house!

present place under the tree...

This is the christmas present cum anniversary present i give to gui gui!Isn't she cute?

最近恋上了包扎礼物。以往就认为,礼物,外面随便就好,甚至觉得不必要包礼物,浪费!可是,现在完全改变想法(自从结婚筹备婚礼时DIY后),喜欢把礼物包的漂漂亮亮,尤其喜欢用organza ribbon来点缀!
Lately i felt in love in wrapping presents. I used to be think that there were not necessary to wrap the present nicely or even wrap it cause kinda wasting! However, after i preparing for my wedding last year i had totally different thnking. I like to wrap the present pretty and especially like to use organza ribbon to deco the wrapping!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

A long due wishes

上两个星期是我与龟龟的好兄弟姐妹 - 铁人以及欣颖结婚的大好日子。
两人不同的性格 - 新郎的被动型结合新娘的主动型结合起来变成了一对绝配的夫妻组合,正的是可贺可喜。
Two weeks ago was our good friends - Juliet and Albert's wedding. We are all really happy for them for their wedding.
This perfect couple are the combination of two totally different personality whereby the groom is passive guy and the bride is an active gal!

Groom was happily carry the bride up at the church

婚礼非常之顺利及温馨。爱女心切的丈母娘七早八早就在教堂里忙着布置教堂,期待给女儿及女婿一个完美的婚礼。不仅如此,伟大的妈妈还亲手做花篮,ring pillow及好多婚礼需要用的东西。
The wedding was very successful. The loving mom DIY quite a lot of stuff for the need of the wedding such as flower basket, ring pillow and etc. Besides, this fabulous mom also sacrificed her time early in the morning just for decorating the church and hoping to give a perfect wedding for her daughter and son-in-law.

在新娘丢花球时,一件有趣的事情发生了!本来,幽尤在新娘丢花球时打算接花球。然而,新娘的弟弟因为种种理由竟然长手长脚的抢险一步接下花球!(其一:花球是ferrero rocher做的!其二:他以为没有人要接花球)..可怜的阿u幽强花球行动宣告失败!
Something interesting happened when reach the moment of throwing the flower bouquet! Initially Ah you want to catch the flower bouquet when Juliet was throwing the bouquet. However, Juliet's brother suddenly caught the bouquet a second earlier than Ah You! (Reason 1: The bouquest was made by Ferrero Rocher. Reason 2: He thought nobody want to catch the bouquet)....So, Ah You mission was incomplished at that morning....

We rested for a while after the church wedding and then meet the couple at Atap street at that evening for outdoor shooting (To clarify, we only accompanied them and take few shoot for praticing purposes) Below are some photos which taken by me at that afternoon...

This photo was taken when they just reach Atap street. However, the photo was too exposed to the sunlight....

I actually kinda like this photo..Just the background at left bottom a bit spoilt the feeling

This photo did actually tell us that her profession is a teacher....

The photographer actually shooting the photo for the couple at that moment. My job is to balance the sampan..So, snaping the cute sampan "driver"...


Evening waterfront view

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Finally, Praktikum was over!

Before Praktikum, I was already felt very nervous. It's all begin after 3 weeks holiday of June. During the praktikum I was kinda stressful and the effect of the praktikum is.......I gain my weight!! My weight had increased from 48kg to 52kg!! T_T Ohno...I had spent so much effort in slim down myself and now...all my effort was gone. All are the fault of those Chips.... T_T

I never told my students that I am a temporary teacher until a day before I was leaving. All the students have no idea that I am leaving except a student whose mom is their science teacher. They give me a claypot as my present ,. I am very happy and this seems to be the first present I receive from my Student

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Banana Cheese Bread?

Yesterday gui gui suddenly had an idea that to put the banana on the bread...then put in the over toaster and toast it.

Then, at last we think that it should be nice to put the cheese on top of it!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

False Alarm


This morning I wake up as I felt my body was “on fire”. Lately I did contact with gui gui’s school mate (at gui gui’s friend wedding dinner) and she was from Swinburne, Melbourne whereby it was the same place as the first confirm case of H1N1 at Kuching, Sarawak. That’s why I was very worried.


I start to have sore throat since last Wednesday. However, it might be cause by the overuse of my throat during teaching. Besides, I start to feel very tired since past few days. So, today is the 7th day after I contact with the friend. After I wake up as felt very uncomfortable this morning, I went downstairs and test my temperature with the thermometer. I was shocked when the thermometer showed that my temperature is around 38.5 Celsius! After test for a few times and confirm I was having fever at that moment, I checked with my brother at 5:30am. Brother gave me the suggestion that I should go to General Hospital to confirm whether I was infected or not for safety purpose because recently, i need to teach at primary school.


After I consulted with my brother and my mother in law, I decided to go to A&E department to check up what happened to me. When I reached at the receptionist at A&E department and told them my problem, the staff led me to the quarantine area (look like jail... ...). The doctor did not consult me directly but they consult me through phone by asking me about my symptom and why I suspect myself. After that, the staff at the receptionist ask the IC from me for the registration purposes. They even ask me to put my IC on the paper so that they will not have direct contact with my IC (just in case I have the virus......)

登记好后我又得回去待在“监牢”里。等了好久护士都没来帮我做检查(由于是医生,护士们的换班时间……)。龟龟不忍心看到疲累不堪的我在“监牢”里没得休息而跑去和接待处的工作人员变脸。这时,才看到两位护士穿上了象电视里的蓝色防菌装,口带口罩,头发上戴着防菌帽,手上带着手套 还有脚上穿着一对白色塑胶鞋(只差没有穿防弹衣……)进来。其中一个护士过来帮我测量体温,血压及问我是否出现一些有关的症状。之后,吩咐我坐在一旁等医生的来电后便和另一位护士闪得远远去。

After the registration I went back to the jail to wait for the nurse for body check up. The nurse was wearing anti bacteria costume (with cap, mask, glove, and plastic shoes) when they helped me to check my temperature, blood pressure and my symptom. After they finished checking, they told me to wait for the doctor to call me and then quickly walked away from me.


A while later, the doctor called me and ask me for the detail of when i start to feel uncomfortable and the reason why i suspect myself. My possibility of being infected is high as today is the 7th day after i contacted with the friend unless she was not in the same flight as the first confirm case. That’s why the doctor urged me to check with the friend on when she reach Malaysia. After gui gui called the friend and confirmed that she had reach Malaysia for nearly a month already, the doctor told me that it is unlikely for me to be infected and prescribe me with some medicine and let me go home.


The whole process took me around 2 hours and I was exhausted. The whole process make me feel that I am a poison bug as every staff doesn’t dare to come near me. Hopefully this is the first and the last experience of being a poison bug...... it is lucky that I was not being infected or else I will be quarantine by the hospital for a few days......

Sunday, May 10, 2009


When i was taking my nap this afternoon, I dream about a really weird and stupid dream. Even when I told Gui Gui about this dream, his laughed immediately. While I still remember about this dream i quickly post this dream up to share with you all....

My dream brought me to China.....I joined the tour and followed them to a weird building. Before i entered the building, i saw there was a name plate hanging outside the building with the name written in the plate as"Alienz Museum". When i entered the building, as what i thought, there were a lot of aliens' model been display in the museum. However, the most interesting model is the model which put in the middle of the meseum. The model is about a women who deliver her daugther by her stomache. The picture below show how the baby been delivered...

After a while the women screamed in pain, the baby still don't want to come out. In the end, the woman cannot stand the pain and shouted "Bad Baby! You quickly come out!!" Then, the baby suddenly jump out from the stomache..After jumping out from stomache, the baby running here nad there actively! dream ended here..........

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

囧的绕口令....包你看了囧囧囧 ^___^


















Saturday, March 21, 2009

My newest look

This is my newest look.
A fresh cut...
I think for those who only know me within this 5 yrs never see me in this look before. The last time i had my short hair was eight years ago.

ok, this is the only short update of my current new. Lately very busy in Institut Perguruan. Therefore i guess for these period I won't able to update my blog. Earliest i will only be able to update my blog at June..I think. ^^

Tuesday, January 6, 2009



结婚后,当我上网时几乎每一个人第一句话是"Hi Mrs...."



阿骢 - 很感激你百忙中抽空来当我们的伴郎 (顺便帮我押住龟龟没得逃婚去)

肉丸 - 你从头到尾都毫无怨言的载我们到处跑,到最后还待到尾端,真的不知道该怎么感谢你。(很不好意思让你见识到了一个最没有仪态的新娘。。竟然不只一次倒在车里呼呼大睡)

欣颖 - 早上早早到教堂,我们的见证人,外加晚宴司仪。独家炮制一对独特的对联给我们,又在婚宴上忙着帮我们安排东西。我们夫妻俩都非常的感动。在此献上一个飞吻(幸亏俊鑫不看blog...要不然。。会不会那刀架着我呢?。。因为。。我的飞吻。。。)

子渊与俊鑫- 感谢你们帮我们 照了很多相片,也感谢你们陪我们一起累。晚上也多亏有你们的帮忙,一切才会那么的顺利

珉葳 - 谢谢你最后能准时把龟龟送入教堂。。
