Saturday, May 1, 2010

Busy April....

This April was a busy April for me...
First of all, I was only able to go home twice a month only at pass April due to class replacement on two Saturday. After that, I celebrated my 27 birthday. Right after my birthday celebration was the Diploma in Education Convo which held at 20 April. After that, just two days after my convo, the Betong division Malay Speech and teory competition was held at my school......
At last, due to unable to go back to Kuching, Vindy and me follow Leh Teen went to Sarikei for a short trip.

This is the picture of the only 5 person who represent KPLI PC1 Jan 2009 intake at convo.

The two photos above was taken during the Malay Speech and Theory Competition. Lots of school praised our uniforms look very nice.

Our Cute and Pretty cute little usher.

Pictures below are regarding with the trip at Sarikei.
Melody should be following us to Sarikei according to our original plan. However, due to suddenly her skin had some problem thereby sadly, she was not able to follow us to Sarikei.

Leh Teen brought us to Seberang to eat pizza. Sadly, the taste of the pizza was not as delicious as before anymore.

We having our lunch at Sugarbun at the next day. Vindy, Melody and Leh Teen gave me a big surprise at there. A belated birthday party. Unfortunately Melody not able to join us....... However, I was really surprise that time!

I will upload other pictures which taken on my birthday and Graduation after Gui Gui edit the photos~ so...stay tune~ XD

2 oinks oinks:

Dorothy - Dottie - Dot said...


~ Moon Moon ~ said...

是咯,布料是学校给的,所以我们自己去找裁缝师做.我懒惰想,所以随便做baju kurung.可是非常后悔,不喜欢。我本来就不喜欢baju kurung了,本来只想这次不做我就不会做(要是以后自己买不了的话肯定做kebaya).哪知我很不喜欢。。。肯定以后不会做kurung了