我的脚和蛋合而为一了?!?!我是Power Ranger !!!!
My leg combined with the egg??! I am a Power Ranger!!!
=.=|| Guess I think too much! Sprain is not interesting after all.....
Yesterday night my leg sprain for the second time. Immediately, my leg became a swollen leg. It was really painful! Try to act cool but fail to do so and cry like a kid... When think about it right now, feel shy about that XD..but but...really very painful ba..
只能够好好修养咯。。还有,为了当天的高跟鞋着想,婚礼前严禁打羽球 T_T。
So, my dear leg need to rest more.. Besides, for the mission of wearing my pair of high heels, Strictly no Badminton before my wedding T_T
(Remarks: Due to I didn't apply the ice on my leg yesterday night, I can feel my leg more n more swollen as my left shoe getting tighter and tighter.)
Below have some tips on how to recover from Strain:
1) 损伤恢复的基本原则是英文缩写P.R.I.C.E。
(The Basic guidelines of recover from Strain is written in the short form of P.R.I.C.E)
2) P-Protection : 保护你的脚免于更严重的伤损。
(P-Protection : Protect the strained muscle from further injury. )
3) R-Rest : 休息。在疼痛停止前尽可能不要用脚走路。在这段时间内过度用脚只会延缓损伤的治疗进程, 从而使疼痛时间延长。
(R-Rest : Rest the strained muscle. Avoid the activities that caused the strain and other activities that are painful. If not rest, it will delay the recovery time and extend the pain of you muscle. Activities that increase muscle pain or work the affected body part are not recommended until the pain has significantly gone away.)
4) I-Ice : 冰敷。将你的脚踝冷敷15分钟,然后停15分钟,如此反 复,尽可能多做几次。冰敷非常有效的防止发炎以及减轻疼痛。一口袋冰放在你的皮肤上也许太冷了,所以我建议,或者用毛巾把冰包一下,或者用外科用的冷敷布。(I-Ice : Ice the muscle area for 15 minutes. Then, stop for another 15 minutes. Repeat these steps as many times as possible. Ice is a very effective anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent. Directly apply the ice on your skin will be too cold. Therefore you can put the ice in a piece of towel and apply on your skin "indirectly".)
5) C - Compression : 压布。轻轻地用敷布压缠住脚踝,使其更加稳定。不要拼命地用力缠,这样你会阻滞流向脚的血液,不利于损伤恢 复。
(C-Compression : Compression can be a gently applied with an Ace or other elastic bandage, which can provide both support and decrease swelling. Do not wrap tightly as this will "block" the blood from flowing to your leg which effect your recovery process. )
6) E-Elevation : 抬高。当你坐着的时候,可以把脚放在几个枕头上,这样你的脚就会比你心脏的位置高一些,这样便会有利于减轻脚部肿胀。
(E-Elevation : Elevate the injured area to decrease swelling. Prop up a strained leg muscle while sitting, for example. You can try to put your leg on top of few pillows whereby your leg position will be higher than your heart. This will help in lighten your swollen leg. )
(If your sprain not recover in the short period, go to see the doctor as soon as possible as the injury maybe more serious than what you think. Walking using your leg will only make the situtaion getting worse.)
一旦脚踝部位的疼痛消失,先放松一点慢跑几日,因为撕裂的韧带仍不能像先前那样紧。这样会使你的脚踝复原更容易一些。为了使你的脚踝变得有力,你可以找根橡皮筋作为阻力开始训练,或者做些简单的运动。比如,尝试脚踝用力,用你的脚的一侧慢慢推 墙或桌子,持续用力5秒钟,然后休息5秒钟,就这样重复练习10~15次。
(Once the pain had significantly gone away, relax yourself by jog slowly for few days as the teared ligament still not as tight as the normal status. Jog slowly will helps in your recovery. To make your ankle stronger, you can find a rubber band which act as obstacle and start to train yourself or perform some simple exercise. For eg: Try to use your ankle's force to push the wall/table. Try continuously for 5 second and then rest for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 10-15 times.)
4 oinks oinks:
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