Planning to start to write my blog at least once per week again..so, wish me good luck!初六那天,被逼回去学校因为有新春联欢会!以下两人是老幺和老大
(左边:老幺;右边:老大)Been Forced to go back to school at the 6th day of Chinese new year..below is the picture of Lao Yao and Lao Da (Left:Leh Teen;Right: Fui Tsing)以下便是我和老三的合照,当晚我们两个可是穿着旗袍哦!呵呵
(左边:我咯;右边:老三)Picture below is the photo of me and Lao 3. We both wear CheongSam that night ya! (Left:Me;Right:Melody)穿得那么美又大远来到宁木这里,结果因为安排方面的问题所以我们两个回去宿舍吃快熟面......当中的故事啊,我也懒得交代了....
Although we wore so nicely that night and came from so far.......in the end we still went back to our hostel and ate daddy mee....hmm..about what happened which cause both of us ate daddy mee that night....I am lazy to explain too much oso XD之后,初十那一天,我们尾随老三回去他的老家-Engkilili去因为那里有一年一度的大盛事-游神!由于老三家里有个佛堂
After that, we followed Melody went to Engkilili as there was a very big event - You Shen happened at there. As Melody's family own a biggest altar/"temple" in Engkili there she is very familiar with You Shen and explained a lot to us...We did learn a lot that night.老三的家神
Picture below is the God in Melody's altar.老三家的花车,老虎的头会动的哦!
Flower Car of Melody's house...the head of the tiger can move one yo~我到Engkilili一游!
This prove that I had been Engkili before!咚咚咚咙锵,咚咚咚咙锵。呵呵,无意间拍下这张相片....我自己是挺喜欢的....
Da Dong Qiang, Qiang Qiang Qiang, Qiang Qiang Qiang.....I accidentally took this photo. I like this photo personally....Engkili河边的特色-钟楼
A Special Trademark at Engkilili Riverside - Clock To这个很可爱,我才知道原来舞狮看到神时需要跪下来拜拜的....不仅如此,当他们看到等级比他们高的舞狮时,会拜拜他们......
Da Dong Qiang, Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang, Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang Qiang.......
I love this scene a lot! Had watched so many lion dance before but only then understand that when these lions meet with God, they need to bow down! Not only meet the god, even if they meet the lions which level higher than them, they also need to bow down....就是这些我想要和大家分享的......呵呵...
Only the stuff above i would like to share with all of you~ ^^