Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Ring

别怕别怕, 现在就告诉大家预防贞子的妙计~还真的有科学根据的噢!~

01. 等贞子爬到一半时,呵呵^^赶快把电视的插头拔掉~这样她就会卡在中间。
02. 在电视机上贴上胶纸,但千万不能贴满噢!好戏在后头~贞子的头发~哈!哈!哈!
03. 把电视机面向墙壁,隔天贞子的头就会长包包噢~
04. 把电视机放在高处~让她摔死!(最毒妇人心~)
05. 在电视机前放一面镜子,让贞子被自己吓昏~
06. 买一台12寸的电视,贞子挤出来时已变小了,然后乘机用拖鞋把她打扁~
07. 在电视机的对面放另台电视,这样笨笨的贞子又会糊涂地爬回去~
08. 等她爬出来时,给她那卷录音带,七天之后,她会受到自己的念力而死。
09. 就在贞子快要出来时,倒带、快转,又倒带、快转......贞子会一直跑来跑去。
10. 把自己的头发遮住自己的脸,和她斗恐怖,吓跑她~
11. 放另一台电视机在前面,播放“株罗纪公园”,看是恐龙厉害还是贞子.


I think most of you watch the movie The Ring, the remake of the 1998 Japanese horror film, Ring (also know as Ringu). Afraid or not after watching this film? Don't scare...Hereby I teach you all how to prevent Samara (known as Zhen Zi in Japanese film)~Scientific prove ya!!

01. When Samara crawl half way out, hehe, quickly remove the plug. Then, she will stuck at the middle there..
02. Stick the cello tape on your television set. However, don't cover the whole screen. .then, you will see what happened to Samara's hair.......
03. Face your TV set to the wall. Samara will have bruise on her head!
04. Place your TV set away from the floor, let Samara drops down and die!!! hehehe
05. Put a mirror in front of your TV set, let Samara scare herself until fainted.
06. Purchase a 12" TV, Samara will transform become small Samara and squeeze out from TV. Then, quickly use your slipper to hit her~
07. Place another TV set just right in front of the TV set. Then, stupid Samara will climb back into another TV set.....
08. When she climb out, let her see that video tape herself. 7 days laters, she will die because of her own curse.....
09. When Samara almost climb out, forward, then rewind, and forward and then rewind again the tape........Samara will keep herself busy running here and there...
10. Cover your own face with your long hair, challenge with her who is more horror...Scare her away...
11. Place another TV set in front of the original TV set, play the Jurassic Park, then see who's your daddy

* Thanks Ming Wee for your article ^^

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