Tuesday, October 7, 2008


一大早起来,梳洗过后,我和龟龟就去金门吃龟龟想念已久的(久什么久!!才过不到一个礼拜!!! )
After change the date for few times, we finally set a date for our eSession.
Early in the morning, gui gui and me went to Jing Meng for laksa which gui gui really miss it for quite a long time (What long time? Just ate it few days before!!). We are a little bit late. When arrived, Bak Yi had reached there already. (Sorry Bak yi...haha..yet the sms i still said 7am sharp..).. As soon as we arrived, we quicky order the famous laksa..famous with the "big head" prawn..and also some chicken leg.We finished our laksa very fast, then rush back for make up...

差不多9点那样,我们就抵达约定碰面的地方 - X-Fab前面。Shen和Edwin很准时,已经到了。所以拍照开始了。
We reached the X-Fab around 9am. Shen and Edwin reached there already when we arrived..So, we started the eSession right after we arrived.

The experience of the eSession quite interesting...However, both of our response too fast, until the photographers not in time to capture our response..so, NG for few times and repeat for it.... XD

有一幕,龟龟超好笑。是在那个"No Through Road"的牌子前,龟龟突然间心血来潮来个"Kwang"......撞到牌子的反应。。由于又是太过出乎预
There was a scene very funny. It's at the "No Through Road" sign board. Gui Gui suddenly had the idea of "Kwang" the sign board. Too sudden response...which cause us need to repeat this reaction again XD

Another more pic which i like a lot also..

Other photos..I don't want to display here first. Wait for me to get all my photos back, then I will post it up at my Wedding website. So..please wait for it ^^

0 oinks oinks: