Hereby, I wish my cute little sister Happy Birthday...even though sis cannot celebrate her sis as she having her PMR exam right now...
Lately I am very busy. I am the kind of person which very "blur". Now, plus on the busy life and the worried about the preparation for my wedding, I become even worst. I always forget about this...and forget about that.. Kinda stressful. Keep on worrying if I able to finish all my DIY stuff before my wedding or not.
那天,我的上司叫我帮她订马航的飞机票。结果,在填写资料的那个地方,竟然还让你选称号!!!结果,我顽皮的上司就叫我放Puan Sri给她 (可惜我忘了scan她的机票),看看有没有什么特别的待遇。。
Don't think about those stuff which make me headache. Let's me tell you all something kinda funny.. Few days ago, my supervisor asked me helped her to book the MAS air ticket. We found out something very interesting. When book the ticket, the online ticketing system will ask the customer to fill in info. There is one info which ask the customer to fill in is the salutation. Then, my naughty supervisor asked me put in Puan Sri title for her (I forget to scan the iternary, else i can show you all here), see if there is any special service for her or not..

After the experience, my supervisor successful boarding and nothing special service been offer to her. Really don't know why MAS need us to fill in this thing..really nothing to do.....
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