Friday, October 31, 2008

Very tired...

龟龟刚刚痊愈。但是,由于共用水壶以及我以为我自己是铁人的关系,结果病菌进攻成功!体内的抵抗力正在努力的与病菌抗斗中。今天整天的感觉是,头轻轻的,身体没有力气,喉咙热烘烘的以及性感又低沉的声音。一阵子前刚打电话给几乎每天都通电话的客户-米雪儿。她一听到我的声音就说“你今天的声音好不同哦。。”. T_T


Gui Gui just recovered from his flu. However, due to we share the water bottle and i though i am a superwoman, therefore the virus successfully attack my body! My antibodi in my body are fighting with the virus right now. The whole day, i can't feel my head, no energy, burning throat and having sexy low tones voice.... I called my customer - Michelle who i phone her almost everyday said "You sound very differently today" T_T

Wu...virus quick quick leave me!! I don't like the feeling of the burning throat!!

0 oinks oinks: