Chat with a friend this morning and suddenly bring my memory back to many many years ago (about 10 years ago i think), if i didn't remember wrongly, it was 24th December 1997. That year, residents at Bintulu had a really unforgettable & unpeaceful Christmas eve. I believe that everyone have are rough memory about the Haze issue at Malaysia during year 1997. Schools were forced to shut down due to the Haze issue (I can't remember if the companies been forced to shut down as well or not...)
言归正状,话说那年,屋子刚刚好建好。老爸挑了良辰吉日,说我和老哥(猪年和狗年的)要先在1997年12月24号那天“住”进屋子。(真的就是住睡一晚而已)其他人就在别天一起迁入。然后我也不记得什么原因了, 我们拉表妹一块儿陪我们一夜。大约9点多左右,闲闲没事做,我们就步行到附近的Tg Batu店屋去玩。(只要10-15分钟就到了)我还有印象,那时候3个毛头小子,连钱包里有多少钱都没有点算好敢敢去order忘记了什么东西吃(好像是干盘面)!!结果,不够钱凄凉到还要到处找人借钱。。我的天,真丢脸。幸亏有一档做沙冰的是我们昔日邻居,才可以帮我们解围。。真是一群不知天高地厚的臭小子。
Back to the original topic. That year, the house just finish built. Dad pick a good date which good for Pig Year & Dog Year person (that is me and my brother..) move in at 24/12/1997. (As long as overnight for a night is ok already). Other family members need to move in together at another date. That night, we bring our cousin over to accompany us. Around 9 sometimes, we have nothing to do. Therefore we decided to walk to the Tg Batu shop houses nearby (only walk for 10-15 mins). I still have some blur memory about that..3 secondary kids, didn't count how much money we have and order for food (I think we ordered Kam Pua..)!! The result of didn't think before acting was......we had not enough money to pay our bill! Pity us need to go around to "gather" money to pay for our bill. Luckily, there was a stall selling "Ja Lok" was our ex-neighbour and he was kind enough to settle our bills...What a bad experience about that...Stupid us.
回到家后,有点尿急的我叫表妹陪我到楼下的厕所小解。结果,突然间门被撞开了。我吓了一跳,然后质问表妹为什么好玩不玩,竟然拿建筑工人留下来的大木头(很重的哦!!)撞开门!表妹没有回答我的话,只顾着抬头看天然后说“我没有啊。。你看。。天空红红的!刚才轰隆一声然后就这样了”。我顿时呆住,抬头一望!天呀!为什么你那么红~~~这时候,老哥也匆匆忙忙跑出来问着发生了什么事情。于是,大伙一起呆了几下才急忙跑上楼。当我们到楼上是,又轰隆了一声,那一瞬间整间屋子在摇晃而天花板上的水晶灯叮叮当当的响了起来。。我当时还真怕那些水晶灯会跌下来呢!!当下,老哥说,要不然我们去海边(去过我家的人都知道我家就在海边)去看看发生什么事情。。那片红红的起端是从那里来的。结果,还是看不到什么东西,只是,天空开始一片红红。。。事情发生的10分钟后,看到了老爸的车开向我们(我到现在还在想,他怎么知道我们在海边的。。。当时大家都没有手机,呃..应该说除了老爸)。然后老爸告诉我们,MLNG (马来西亚天然煤气厂)爆炸了。吓死我们。。。。
When we reached home, the first thing i had done is rush to the toilet... Suddenly, the toilet door been forced open! Had been frighten that time and scolded my cousin when i went out from toilet. I scolded her why so naughty play with the big piece of wood (very heavy!!) which left down by the workers. Cousin didn't answer my question but keep on staring at the sky. Then she said :"I didn't force open the door. You see, the sky sooo red. It happened just after the Boom sound" I stunned for few seconds, then I look at the sky as well. The sky really bright and red! A while later, brother ran out from house and asked us what happened. ..After that, few of us quickly ran in the house again. Suddenly, the boooom sound appeared again. This time, we can few the whole house shaking! The sound crystal lamp on the ceiling shaking as well and have the sound of ding ding dong dong.....We were so afraid that the lamp will drop down from the ceiling!! Then, brother suggested us to go to the seaside (Yeah, those who went to my house before knew that my house just right beside of the sea) to see what happened as the red bright light happen to come from that direction. ..In the end, we saw nothing but the sky still red and bright. 10 minutes after the incident, my dad come to pick us (I still had no idea how come he knew that we are at the sea side...We all still don't have handphone at that time...except dad). Dad told us that it happened to be the explosion happened at MLNG!
So scary...Never happen such thing before. Rumor said it was cause by the Haze whereby haze mix with other kind of gas..that's will the explosion happened. Luckily was just a small explosion (Small explosion already shake like that, If big explosion then what i will become to?!) and only small area at Kidurong which nearby MLNG effected. The windows all were broken and no death incident been reported as well. I heard someone told me that before this incident, MLNG always get the best safety award and since this incident happened, it had been few years they miss the chances to get this award. That night, I didn't sleep for whole night. I sit in front of the radio and aware that if there are any emergency announcement to ask us evacuate from Bintulu. At the same time, there were a lot of people leave Bintulu town area and park their car at Kemena's bridge (caused the traffic jam at that abnormal time). They were planning to leave Bintulu as soon as possible if that happened to have another round of explosion.
5 oinks oinks:
I was watching TV with my family and grandma was asleep when the explotion occured. None of us was aware of the incident. We went to bed as usual after that ^^"
maybe we just ngam ngam hou outside the was so shocked
Hi I'm a form three student who's currently working on my Sejarah project for pt3. Your blog helped me get some of the facts I needed but I was wondering whether I could interview you about this tragic event. Is there any way to contact you?? Thank youu☺️☺️
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