Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Have our wedding album back already!

我和龟龟终于拿回了我们的结婚专辑了!本来并没有那么紧张要拿的。可是,看了几个朋友的结婚照之后,我竟然非常期待拿回我们的结婚照哦!所以,和Wedding Touch敲定好时间之后,我们两个就浩浩荡荡去领相片了。

We finally have our wedding album back! At first, I am not that excited to get the album back. However, after view few of my friend's wedding photo, I became very excited. Therefore both of us pay a visit to Touch Wedding for our album..

领到相片后,我就迫不及待email给思,铭和美君,还有我妈妈他们看。同时间,我也把相片放上my wedding的结婚网与大家分享。。。结果,那晚网路很差,花了我大概一个多钟头才成功。在这里发一张给大家看。。其余的。去我的结婚网页逛一吧!
After collected the album, I can't wait to email the photos to Sze, Ming & Kiong...and also my parents! At the same time, I also post all the photos on my wedding website and share with everybody. In the end, due to the broadband line kinda slow that night, i spent almost an hr plus to finish my posting..... Hereby I post a photo of us which gui & me like it a lot...Others, browse at my wedding website ba......

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