Thursday, November 27, 2008
One Month to go...
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
另一個結局 (2) - 丑小鸭
Another Ending (2) - The Ugly Duckling
It's a nice wednesday again... The story below still grabbed from Wei Kiong.
Therefore I post up to share with you all....

Wednesday, November 5, 2008
另一個結局 - 三只小豬
Another Ending - 3 Little Pigs
Friday, October 31, 2008
Very tired...
Gui Gui just recovered from his flu. However, due to we share the water bottle and i though i am a superwoman, therefore the virus successfully attack my body! My antibodi in my body are fighting with the virus right now. The whole day, i can't feel my head, no energy, burning throat and having sexy low tones voice.... I called my customer - Michelle who i phone her almost everyday said "You sound very differently today" T_T
Wu...virus quick quick leave me!! I don't like the feeling of the burning throat!!
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Have our wedding album back already!
We finally have our wedding album back! At first, I am not that excited to get the album back. However, after view few of my friend's wedding photo, I became very excited. Therefore both of us pay a visit to Touch Wedding for our album..
After collected the album, I can't wait to email the photos to Sze, Ming & Kiong...and also my parents! At the same time, I also post all the photos on my wedding website and share with everybody. In the end, due to the broadband line kinda slow that night, i spent almost an hr plus to finish my posting..... Hereby I post a photo of us which gui & me like it a lot...Others, browse at my wedding website ba......
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Happy Birthday to Chibi Chan
Hereby, I wish my cute little sister Happy Birthday...even though sis cannot celebrate her sis as she having her PMR exam right now...
Lately I am very busy. I am the kind of person which very "blur". Now, plus on the busy life and the worried about the preparation for my wedding, I become even worst. I always forget about this...and forget about that.. Kinda stressful. Keep on worrying if I able to finish all my DIY stuff before my wedding or not.
那天,我的上司叫我帮她订马航的飞机票。结果,在填写资料的那个地方,竟然还让你选称号!!!结果,我顽皮的上司就叫我放Puan Sri给她 (可惜我忘了scan她的机票),看看有没有什么特别的待遇。。
Don't think about those stuff which make me headache. Let's me tell you all something kinda funny.. Few days ago, my supervisor asked me helped her to book the MAS air ticket. We found out something very interesting. When book the ticket, the online ticketing system will ask the customer to fill in info. There is one info which ask the customer to fill in is the salutation. Then, my naughty supervisor asked me put in Puan Sri title for her (I forget to scan the iternary, else i can show you all here), see if there is any special service for her or not..

After the experience, my supervisor successful boarding and nothing special service been offer to her. Really don't know why MAS need us to fill in this thing..really nothing to do.....
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Chat with a friend this morning and suddenly bring my memory back to many many years ago (about 10 years ago i think), if i didn't remember wrongly, it was 24th December 1997. That year, residents at Bintulu had a really unforgettable & unpeaceful Christmas eve. I believe that everyone have are rough memory about the Haze issue at Malaysia during year 1997. Schools were forced to shut down due to the Haze issue (I can't remember if the companies been forced to shut down as well or not...)
言归正状,话说那年,屋子刚刚好建好。老爸挑了良辰吉日,说我和老哥(猪年和狗年的)要先在1997年12月24号那天“住”进屋子。(真的就是住睡一晚而已)其他人就在别天一起迁入。然后我也不记得什么原因了, 我们拉表妹一块儿陪我们一夜。大约9点多左右,闲闲没事做,我们就步行到附近的Tg Batu店屋去玩。(只要10-15分钟就到了)我还有印象,那时候3个毛头小子,连钱包里有多少钱都没有点算好敢敢去order忘记了什么东西吃(好像是干盘面)!!结果,不够钱凄凉到还要到处找人借钱。。我的天,真丢脸。幸亏有一档做沙冰的是我们昔日邻居,才可以帮我们解围。。真是一群不知天高地厚的臭小子。
Back to the original topic. That year, the house just finish built. Dad pick a good date which good for Pig Year & Dog Year person (that is me and my brother..) move in at 24/12/1997. (As long as overnight for a night is ok already). Other family members need to move in together at another date. That night, we bring our cousin over to accompany us. Around 9 sometimes, we have nothing to do. Therefore we decided to walk to the Tg Batu shop houses nearby (only walk for 10-15 mins). I still have some blur memory about that..3 secondary kids, didn't count how much money we have and order for food (I think we ordered Kam Pua..)!! The result of didn't think before acting was......we had not enough money to pay our bill! Pity us need to go around to "gather" money to pay for our bill. Luckily, there was a stall selling "Ja Lok" was our ex-neighbour and he was kind enough to settle our bills...What a bad experience about that...Stupid us.
回到家后,有点尿急的我叫表妹陪我到楼下的厕所小解。结果,突然间门被撞开了。我吓了一跳,然后质问表妹为什么好玩不玩,竟然拿建筑工人留下来的大木头(很重的哦!!)撞开门!表妹没有回答我的话,只顾着抬头看天然后说“我没有啊。。你看。。天空红红的!刚才轰隆一声然后就这样了”。我顿时呆住,抬头一望!天呀!为什么你那么红~~~这时候,老哥也匆匆忙忙跑出来问着发生了什么事情。于是,大伙一起呆了几下才急忙跑上楼。当我们到楼上是,又轰隆了一声,那一瞬间整间屋子在摇晃而天花板上的水晶灯叮叮当当的响了起来。。我当时还真怕那些水晶灯会跌下来呢!!当下,老哥说,要不然我们去海边(去过我家的人都知道我家就在海边)去看看发生什么事情。。那片红红的起端是从那里来的。结果,还是看不到什么东西,只是,天空开始一片红红。。。事情发生的10分钟后,看到了老爸的车开向我们(我到现在还在想,他怎么知道我们在海边的。。。当时大家都没有手机,呃..应该说除了老爸)。然后老爸告诉我们,MLNG (马来西亚天然煤气厂)爆炸了。吓死我们。。。。
When we reached home, the first thing i had done is rush to the toilet... Suddenly, the toilet door been forced open! Had been frighten that time and scolded my cousin when i went out from toilet. I scolded her why so naughty play with the big piece of wood (very heavy!!) which left down by the workers. Cousin didn't answer my question but keep on staring at the sky. Then she said :"I didn't force open the door. You see, the sky sooo red. It happened just after the Boom sound" I stunned for few seconds, then I look at the sky as well. The sky really bright and red! A while later, brother ran out from house and asked us what happened. ..After that, few of us quickly ran in the house again. Suddenly, the boooom sound appeared again. This time, we can few the whole house shaking! The sound crystal lamp on the ceiling shaking as well and have the sound of ding ding dong dong.....We were so afraid that the lamp will drop down from the ceiling!! Then, brother suggested us to go to the seaside (Yeah, those who went to my house before knew that my house just right beside of the sea) to see what happened as the red bright light happen to come from that direction. ..In the end, we saw nothing but the sky still red and bright. 10 minutes after the incident, my dad come to pick us (I still had no idea how come he knew that we are at the sea side...We all still don't have handphone at that time...except dad). Dad told us that it happened to be the explosion happened at MLNG!
So scary...Never happen such thing before. Rumor said it was cause by the Haze whereby haze mix with other kind of gas..that's will the explosion happened. Luckily was just a small explosion (Small explosion already shake like that, If big explosion then what i will become to?!) and only small area at Kidurong which nearby MLNG effected. The windows all were broken and no death incident been reported as well. I heard someone told me that before this incident, MLNG always get the best safety award and since this incident happened, it had been few years they miss the chances to get this award. That night, I didn't sleep for whole night. I sit in front of the radio and aware that if there are any emergency announcement to ask us evacuate from Bintulu. At the same time, there were a lot of people leave Bintulu town area and park their car at Kemena's bridge (caused the traffic jam at that abnormal time). They were planning to leave Bintulu as soon as possible if that happened to have another round of explosion.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
一大早起来,梳洗过后,我和龟龟就去金门吃龟龟想念已久的(久什么久!!才过不到一个礼拜!!! )金门Laksa。我们迟到了一点点。抵达时,就看见肉丸在那里等我们了。(歹势呀肉丸。。还说7点准。。哈哈)。很快的,我们就order了laksa,还有一些鸡脚。真的好好吃哦。。经典的是他的大头虾。。(写着写着,我的口水也差不多要留下来了。。)。很快的就把Laksa扒完了,之后就匆匆忙忙赶回家,化妆。
After change the date for few times, we finally set a date for our eSession.
Early in the morning, gui gui and me went to Jing Meng for laksa which gui gui really miss it for quite a long time (What long time? Just ate it few days before!!). We are a little bit late. When arrived, Bak Yi had reached there already. (Sorry Bak yi...haha..yet the sms i still said 7am sharp..).. As soon as we arrived, we quicky order the famous laksa..famous with the "big head" prawn..and also some chicken leg.We finished our laksa very fast, then rush back for make up...
差不多9点那样,我们就抵达约定碰面的地方 - X-Fab前面。Shen和Edwin很准时,已经到了。所以拍照开始了。
We reached the X-Fab around 9am. Shen and Edwin reached there already when we arrived..So, we started the eSession right after we arrived.
The experience of the eSession quite interesting...However, both of our response too fast, until the photographers not in time to capture our, NG for few times and repeat for it.... XD
有一幕,龟龟超好笑。是在那个"No Through Road"的牌子前,龟龟突然间心血来潮来个"Kwang"......撞到牌子的反应。。由于又是太过出乎预料,结果又需要从来。。
There was a scene very funny. It's at the "No Through Road" sign board. Gui Gui suddenly had the idea of "Kwang" the sign board. Too sudden response...which cause us need to repeat this reaction again XD

Another more pic which i like a lot also..
Other photos..I don't want to display here first. Wait for me to get all my photos back, then I will post it up at my Wedding website. So..please wait for it ^^
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
A Week Later....
It's had been one week and my leg still not yet fully recover. Stil have little bit pain on my leg and still has little bit swollen. However compare with last week, it is much more better.
按耐不住寂寞的我,这几天已近开始满街跑了。真是的。。。。不怕死。哈哈。今天,趁着开斋节假期,我和龟龟去Touch Wedding看最后一次排版(之所以说是最后一次排版是因为终于搞定了!)。满意!然后,就然他们去印刷相簿了。这几天可真烦恼。一直烦着我们的请帖该如何做。。时间可是越来越逼近了,而我也开始越来越着急了。。算了!暂时再休息多两天,然后我们就得努力继续筹备了!加油!!
I can't stay at home too long without moving around, so I already started to run around at town XD.. Today is the first day of Hari Raya Aldilfitri, therefore gui gui and I went to touch wedding for viewing our layout of the album for the last time (reason why i said the last time is because we confirm the layout after this.. ). Both of us satisfied with this layout and let Touch Wedding continue their word for producing the album. Lately, i was quite headache..Headache with our wedding invitation card. The time is near and I am getting more and more worried.... Hmm.....Just rest for another 2 more days. Right after hari raya, we will start to busy with our wedding preparation again! Gambateh!!
Friday, September 26, 2008
Little Pork Leg Quick Quick Recover!!
Suppose to post up the picture below to everybody yesterday but too busy. So, I post it up today. Waked up yesterday morning and found out my leg still very swollen. I still can't use any energy of my leg yet. Therefore after struggling for a while, I decided to wake Gui Gui up to take the bath first. So during this period, I snap down the pic of my little pork leg.
Due to my leg still painful, therefore I decided not to walk around too much. So, I officially "launch" my BMW on the "road". I kept on driving my BMW in and out from my office to the photostate machine for the whole day. Luckily I am the only one who drove the "car", therefore traffic still consider ok....
脚痛了整个早上,终于忍无可忍了!于是,不知道哪里来的傻瓜力量,在中午午休时间随着我的同事去到黄土路的一个师傅那里推脚去(是排屋,92号)。听我的同事-Alice说,这个师傅很厉害推拿。他把她一年多的旧伤给治好了七七八八。挺出名的。可是他只有星期一到星期六,十点早上到三点下午帮人问诊而已。通常呀,门庭若市。有时候排队会排到家门外去。当我们到达的时候,运气很好。只有一个人来问诊而已,而且是刚刚问好诊的。所以,不需要怎么等,就轮到我们了。医师一看到我的脚就说“哇,脚扁去。” (啥?!明明肿得像猪脚!!龟说或许他是用着方言腔调,其实要说变去,而不是扁去。)医师先帮Alice推拿好她的旧患,然后就叫我躺上病床,准备杀猪。。不不。。是推脚啦!很神奇也!为什么平时我们自己按脚趾间的关节是没有声音,反而他按的时候竟然咯咯做响的?!之后,医师就轻轻的顺着时钟的方向推着我的脚板,同个时间,他也叫我试着自己随着他扭动我的脚板。就在我适应了时候,医师使出了力气(别问我有多大的力气。。基本上,我不晓得),动作比较大了一点点推了一下,而我也有痛了一下下。这样的动作,我记得他前前后后一共弄了两次,就把我脚板的位置推回去原位了。这对我来说还不是算最痛的。我觉得最痛还是,当医师推着我脚旁那个部份。(以下图那片黑青的那一带) 。这。。才叫着痛。医师一推到那里时,我都会念着痛,而且还死命按耐着我想一脚踢开他的念头。医师说他知道我痛,因为他摸得出我那一带的韧带裂得比较厉害。之后,医师叫我3天后(也就是星期六)再倒回去复诊。然后这段时间忌吃鸡肉,鸡蛋,酸辣的东西以及喝汽水和冰水。除此之外,我的脚也忌碰水。
After I feel the pain for the whole morning, finally I can't stand it anymore. Till now, I still have no idea where my stupid courage suddenly come from which made me had the decision of looking for the therapy/massage sin sei at Ellis Road (Terrace House No. 92) with my colleague - Alice during the lunch break. According Alice, he is a quite famous and good sin sei as he almost cure her 1 year old ++ old wound. However, the consultant only start from 10am till 3pm daily from Monday to Saturday. Normally, there is always quite a lot of patients. Sometimes, you even need to queue outside the house. Anyway, we are quite lucky. When we arrived, there was only one patient and the patient was just finished her massage. So, we both almost can look for the sin sei directly after we arrived. The first sentence of the sin sei when he saw me was "Wa...Your leg looks flat"... (a?! It was swollen like a pork leg...Gui gui sad, might be his mandarin mix with dialect. It suppose to be "change" instead of flat). The Sin Sei helped Alice to massage her old wound first, after that ask me to lie on the treatment bed and ready to slaugther the pig...No No!! Is massage la.....Very amazing!! Usually when we try to press the joint at our toes..there will have no sound. However, when he press the joint, I can heard the "Klak Klak" sound..... After pressing my joint, the sin sei tried to "push" & "turn" my feet. At the same moment, he requested me to move my feet together with his speed and direction. When I get used with the movement, suddenly the sin sei used on more energy, and with bigger movement push my feet a while, and I also feel the pain for that moment. (Don't ask me how big energy the sin sei apply on my feet...I had no idea..) The sin sei repeated this for twice for the whole process, then my disallocated feet had been allocated back to the correct position. These are still not consider as the most painful process. For me, what I think was the most painful process was...when the sin sei push the side of my feet ....When the sin sei push until that part, i always complain out. What i had in my mind that time is to kick the sin sei away......... The sin sei said he knew that i was painful as he know the ligament there tear more when he touch my feet. After the treatment, the sin sei asked me come back again 3 days after (which is saturday). The sin sei said I should restrict myself from eat chicken meat, egg, sour and spicy food and restrict from carbonat drinks & cold drink as well.. The sin sei also asked me not to touch water for my feet.
I took the pictures above this morning. The bruse area are the area which my ligament tear more. However, after the massage yesterday, although i still feel the pain but the leg can obviously feel more comfortable. Today I applied the sick leave and rest at home. Hopefully my dear pork leg will recover as soon as possible!!
Remark : Sin Sei said my leg had a little bit irritation, disallocation & the ligament a little bit teared..sound like a bit...serious =.=
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Pork Leg
我的脚和蛋合而为一了?!?!我是Power Ranger !!!!
My leg combined with the egg??! I am a Power Ranger!!!
=.=|| Guess I think too much! Sprain is not interesting after all.....
Yesterday night my leg sprain for the second time. Immediately, my leg became a swollen leg. It was really painful! Try to act cool but fail to do so and cry like a kid... When think about it right now, feel shy about that XD..but but...really very painful ba..
只能够好好修养咯。。还有,为了当天的高跟鞋着想,婚礼前严禁打羽球 T_T。
So, my dear leg need to rest more.. Besides, for the mission of wearing my pair of high heels, Strictly no Badminton before my wedding T_T
(Remarks: Due to I didn't apply the ice on my leg yesterday night, I can feel my leg more n more swollen as my left shoe getting tighter and tighter.)
Below have some tips on how to recover from Strain:
1) 损伤恢复的基本原则是英文缩写P.R.I.C.E。
(The Basic guidelines of recover from Strain is written in the short form of P.R.I.C.E)
2) P-Protection : 保护你的脚免于更严重的伤损。
(P-Protection : Protect the strained muscle from further injury. )
3) R-Rest : 休息。在疼痛停止前尽可能不要用脚走路。在这段时间内过度用脚只会延缓损伤的治疗进程, 从而使疼痛时间延长。
(R-Rest : Rest the strained muscle. Avoid the activities that caused the strain and other activities that are painful. If not rest, it will delay the recovery time and extend the pain of you muscle. Activities that increase muscle pain or work the affected body part are not recommended until the pain has significantly gone away.)
4) I-Ice : 冰敷。将你的脚踝冷敷15分钟,然后停15分钟,如此反 复,尽可能多做几次。冰敷非常有效的防止发炎以及减轻疼痛。一口袋冰放在你的皮肤上也许太冷了,所以我建议,或者用毛巾把冰包一下,或者用外科用的冷敷布。(I-Ice : Ice the muscle area for 15 minutes. Then, stop for another 15 minutes. Repeat these steps as many times as possible. Ice is a very effective anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving agent. Directly apply the ice on your skin will be too cold. Therefore you can put the ice in a piece of towel and apply on your skin "indirectly".)
5) C - Compression : 压布。轻轻地用敷布压缠住脚踝,使其更加稳定。不要拼命地用力缠,这样你会阻滞流向脚的血液,不利于损伤恢 复。
(C-Compression : Compression can be a gently applied with an Ace or other elastic bandage, which can provide both support and decrease swelling. Do not wrap tightly as this will "block" the blood from flowing to your leg which effect your recovery process. )
6) E-Elevation : 抬高。当你坐着的时候,可以把脚放在几个枕头上,这样你的脚就会比你心脏的位置高一些,这样便会有利于减轻脚部肿胀。
(E-Elevation : Elevate the injured area to decrease swelling. Prop up a strained leg muscle while sitting, for example. You can try to put your leg on top of few pillows whereby your leg position will be higher than your heart. This will help in lighten your swollen leg. )
(If your sprain not recover in the short period, go to see the doctor as soon as possible as the injury maybe more serious than what you think. Walking using your leg will only make the situtaion getting worse.)
一旦脚踝部位的疼痛消失,先放松一点慢跑几日,因为撕裂的韧带仍不能像先前那样紧。这样会使你的脚踝复原更容易一些。为了使你的脚踝变得有力,你可以找根橡皮筋作为阻力开始训练,或者做些简单的运动。比如,尝试脚踝用力,用你的脚的一侧慢慢推 墙或桌子,持续用力5秒钟,然后休息5秒钟,就这样重复练习10~15次。
(Once the pain had significantly gone away, relax yourself by jog slowly for few days as the teared ligament still not as tight as the normal status. Jog slowly will helps in your recovery. To make your ankle stronger, you can find a rubber band which act as obstacle and start to train yourself or perform some simple exercise. For eg: Try to use your ankle's force to push the wall/table. Try continuously for 5 second and then rest for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise for 10-15 times.)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
100 days to go...
Quote from Gui Gui : "100 days left of bachelorhood"....
Yupe, you are right. We only left 100 days to go to our wedding!
Anyway, seems to be there are still a lot of things we not yet finish prepare. I think is about time to increase our turbo and rush for it....
Hereby, I announce our wedding website...My friends..Ready to click for it!
(If you miss this post, don't worry. You can just click the picture on the right side of my Blog..It's the same.)
Monday, September 15, 2008
Crispy Chinese Roasted Pork
我上司在某个网页看到的 (摘自于penangfaces.chanlilian)。所以我放上来,给爱好煮吃的朋友们看一看
My supervisor found it on a website. (quote from penangfaces.chanlilian). Therefore I post up to share with friends who like to cook as well ^^
1) 用Oven他个十分钟
(Heat for 10 minutes)
2) 把猪肉拿出来,然后用针将猪皮刺满小小的洞
(Take out and poke the skin)
3) 把猪肉放回去,再烤一个钟头
(Put back and roast for one hour)
4) 切除掉硬皮
(Cut off the hardened skin)
5) 将猪肉调味,然后植入冰柜两个钟头以确保猪肉内部冷却
(Season the meat and keep in fridge for two hours so that the inner part is cold)
6) 放回去Oven,用最热的温度来烤它
(Put back into the oven at the highest heat)
7) 将猪肉烤至有点烧焦状!这是他的特别之处,也就是皮呈现有点黑色。
(Roast till the skin burned! This is the unique part. The skin turned black)
8) 把焦状的外层皮去处掉。然后你就会看到脆脆的一层皮勒!
(Then, scrapped off the blackened part to get the crispy skin)
Friday, September 12, 2008
Happy Mooncake Festival Earlier Wishes
Thursday, September 11, 2008
A Trip by a Plane
Suddenly, I found myself appear at the airport. In my memory, we wanted to go to some place. There were few kinds of aeroplanes on the airport runway. Fokker, 737 and even mini 737! Picture below shows what is the difference for the seats between 737 & mini 737.
最后,我们还是选择乘搭迷你737 (基本上,他差不多副克那么大架)。屁股才刚沾到椅子,飞机就突然间起飞!还不止这样!机舱上的门还统统都没有关!!
In the end, we selected mini 737 (Basically, the size of mini 737 is similar to a Fokker). When i just sit down on the seat, the aeroplane suddenly depart from the runway! The doors on the plane even not yet shut down when the aeroplane departed!
Due to the plane already on the air, the pilot only manage to shut down the inner door as it was automatic door. Other door were not able to shut down as they need to shut down manually. The pilot told us this is the best effort he can do as he was a Lullaby Standard Pilot. (I have no idea why the word Lullaby here mean NOOB in my dream) The Pilot even asked us don't care about the doors as we will arrive 5 minutes later and he was correct. We saw the land 5 minutes after the incident! In my memory... our destination was Swinburne (Of course it looks different as the real Swinburne, Kuching..Don't ask me why..I have no idea as well). Picture below shows how our destination looks like.
The plane landed on the short & Old Run away...and the way the plan landed really really weird....
This .... is my weird and stupid dream....
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Two days one night Trip to Sematan
Wa...Suddenly everybody (referring to Bakyi & Da Jie) wrote about the trip of Sematan, I joined their force together ^^ However, i am too lazy to write the story at this moment. So, just let me post on the pic XD
We just found out how patriotic the kids at rural area during national day..
At first we all thought we will live in chalet. However, due to we change the room from 4 occupants to 6 occupants, therefore the room also change from chalet to terrace (2 rooms one living room)

Little fellow on the wall (What?!?! Little?! I don't think that was little!!)
当晚闲着没事做时玩的Uno Stacko.
Uno Stacko we played that night..
Photo taken at the beach the next morning...
Last but not least, group photo taken at the shop of Hui Sing (Car Plate's gf) at Lundu
For others photos, i will upload it on the photo album at the blog...Browse it when you are free...
Friday, August 29, 2008
Rainy Day
之后,到了我的办公室,发现到我的位子在泡水。我的天!我的外套忘了带回家,结果,也跟着一起泡水。亏我还想用他来取暖。。结果,真的是泡汤了!忘了注明,我头顶上的就是一扇窗在墙壁上 (中间有天花板相隔着)。每次刮大风时,我就准备冲凉。。这次,幸亏是六点多早上刮大风,然后弄得我桌子,橱柜上都湿淋淋的。(可不是普通的漏水哦!是有如整桶水那般倒下,因为之前水全部累计在我上头的天花板上,直到天花板支撑不住时,积水就哗啦哗啦的下来了。。)也感谢我做晚班的同事正好有事还没有回家,刚好上楼,看到这般骇人的情景。然后帮我拯救我的文件,以及移开电脑。要不然啊,后果不堪设想。
After that, I went to office to work. Surprisingly found out my place was "flooding" again! My gosh! So coincidence that I forgot to bring my sweater back. I was thinking to use my sweater to make myself warmer as this morning was so cold! Obviously my plan was unsuccessful.... Ohya! I forget to mention that there are windows actually right above my head (attach at the wall above my head which the ceiling was placed in between us...). Every times when there were strong wind, I always need to prepare that I will need to have a "nice bath". This time, it was happened around 6 am. That was so lucky that everything happened at around 6am and it cause my chair, table & cabinet all wet. (It was not the normal leaking! The water always pour down just like the way water pour down from a bucket. That was due to before the water pour down, it was all gather on the ceiling until the ceiling cannot stand the weight and all the water pour down..). Thanks a lot to my colleague who working at night shift this morning. He had something else to settle before he was ready to go back. He quickly safe my documents, files & my computer. Or else I absolutely don't dare to think what will be happened after that....
Not only the water leaking issue, today our company retrenched workers as the business was not so good. The rainy day outside the office just like crying for the leavers.. Everyone had bad mood this morning. After the chosen colleagues had left the plant, everybody continue for their unfinished work. The difference was, they cried while they were doing their task..Very pity....
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
How to tie a nice ribbon
When i surfing internet, i found papabear's blog.
Papabear teached about how to tie a nice ribbon.
Therefore, i copy the teaching from papabear's blog, hope papabear don't mind about it.
Below are the blog's address of Papabear:
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
If you see the food stall selling for Penang Laksa, that is very common.
However, IF you see the situation as the picture below, it is just too weird...
@_@!How come the advertisement of Lee Coffee Shop (Stutong) appear at Merry Park Coffee Shop?
Thursday, August 21, 2008
How to use it?!
当食物来到的时候,一句话好形容,那就是“好简单和整齐哦。。” (有人用整齐来形容食物吗?)
It was badminton time again.
As usual, we all went for dinner after the exercise. Gui Gui & me walked for few rounds before we place the order. At last, I decided to order a plate of Black Pepper Chicken Rice.
Reason 1 : Only cost RM3.50! After the inflation, it's consider kinda cheap
Reason 2 : The food look like kinda tasty! ^^
When the food served, I only able to describe the chicken rice with a sentence that is "Simple & Tidy" (Do you ever see people using "Tidy" to describe the food?)
Although the display of the food doesn't look good, however, the food actually taste not bad! i am going to eat like this?? How can I lift the meat like this way?

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Watch Movie~
Two days ago, we went for dinner after the badminton. Suddenly, Bak Yi pop out with a sentence which shock us off...he said "Long time don't have Da Bian (Shit).." Immediately, everybody staring at him due to hear some alienz words...... Hehe..actually, what Bak Yi tried to say was "Long time don't have Da Pian (Big Movie)"..but, everybody heard it wrongly~~ hehe..paiseh paiseh.
经过一番讨论后,决定去看The Dark Knight. 结果,一下班就匆匆忙忙去赶7.15pm那一场。看戏之前,当然少不了吃晚餐。于是,我们去亚答街里的一间老店吃鸡饭。结果,发现了一段我们相当囧的对话:
After the discussion, we decided watch The Dark Knight at Star Cineplex. So, right after working hour, all of us rush for the movie which schedule at 7.15pm. Before watching the movie, we went for our dinner at old chicken rice shop at Atap I found a conversation which make me speechless....
龟龟 :“给我一罐100号”
(Gui Gui : "Give me 100 plus")
侍应小姐 :“没有100号哦,有7up Revive”
(Waitress : "We don't have 100 plus, but we have 7up Revive")
龟龟 :“那么给我一罐Cola”
(Gui Gui : "Then give me Cola")
侍应小姐 :“没有Cola哦,有Pepsi”
(Waitress : "We don't have Cola, but we have Pepsi")
丸子 :“给我一罐Green Tea”
(Bak Yi : "Give me a can of Green Tea")
侍应小姐 :“没有Green Tea哦,有Lipton Green Tea”
(Waitress : "We don't have Green Tea, but we have Lipton Green Tea")
Saturday, August 9, 2008
2008 Beijing Olympic Theme Song
Don't ask me which one is the actual 2008 Olympic theme song (compare with the one in previous post) as i am confusing also. However, I am very sure that this theme song "You and Me" sang by Sarah Brightman & Liu Huang at 08/08/08 Olympic Opening Ceremony. I found their movie clip, so publish here to share with you.
Friday, August 8, 2008
888 I step step step!!!
I step, I step, I step step step!!! Yesh!!! 08/08/08 8:08am!! I stepped on it!!! What's a historical moment!!
Everybody knows that what is the date today! 08/08/08! You will only meet it once of your whole life unless...... you are still alive after 1000 yrs later XD
好多人今天注册。恭喜Michelle (Sanmina每次和我打交道的客户)和Ling(Malaysia Brides Forum认识的新朋友)。
A lot of peoples register their marriage on today. Congratulation to Michelle (The customer i always deal with at Sanmina) and Ling (a new friend I just knew her from Malaysia Brides Forum).
Besides, today is a day which the whole world waiting for. 2008 Beijing Olympic will officially launch on today..I know a lot of people will write about the Olympic in their blogs today..Never mind~ i just join them for fun! hehe. Come Come..I show you ppl the 2008 Beijing Theme Song & some video clip about the Olympic.
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games Theme Song (Forever Friends 永远的朋友)
2008 Beijing Olympics song"Welcome to Beijing" MV(full)
Please visit here for the translation of the lyric
The official 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Commercial
Adidas, 2008 Olympic Games
Olympic 2008~ By Nike!!
Cannon Olympic 2008 Commercial
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Cheap & Delicious Buffet
Happy Lunar Valentine day!!!
今天,我同事去吃Buffet.挺便宜的哦。菜式是普通的快餐菜,有差不多十几种菜。让我想想,有酸甜排骨,杂菜,鱿鱼,红烧豆腐,鱼,Balacan四角豆,Kankung, 蛋,苦瓜还有其他的,还有还有!西瓜!!。然后,你也可以当场叫伙计砍叉烧或者清蒸肉。
Today, I went for the buffet lunch with my colleagues. The price not really expensive but it's just normal fast food's menu. There is around 10++ varieties. Let's me try to recall what's the menu.. There has Sweet Sour pork, mixed vegetables, Sotong, "Hong Shao" Taufu, Fish, Balacan with "Four-star" Bean (don't ask me what is the actual name..), Kankung, Egg, Bittergoud & etc.. They provide the watermelon as well.
其实给大吃的人蛮划的。RM 8任你吃。要是加一种饮料就一律RM 2。味道不错。是间冷气餐厅。对了,要强调的是,只有星期一到星期五中午时间 (11:30am开始。。到不知道几点。)
Actually, if you are the kind of person eat a lot, this might be very cheap for you. RM8 only and you can eat as much as you can. If you would like to order a drink, just add on RM2. The food quite delicious. It's a air-con restaurant. However, I need to emphasize that the buffet only valid weekday lunch hour (Mon - Fri start from 11:30am and not sure when it end)
本来想拍下招牌。。可是来不及。。所以,一下是他的地图。店名叫 “同乐"(要是我没有记错的话。。。。)
Actually I tried to take the picture of the restaurant but we had run out of time. So, I drew a map. The restaurant know as Sweet Happiness Restaurant